Natural Answer

It’s All About The Animals

It’s All About The Animals

Healing with Animals and Nature.



A very warm welcome to this part of the website. My name is Jane Gilbey and my passion has always been animals and nature. I offer support for animals and for people, to bring greater awareness to animals needs and build better relationships and connections for them, thus facilitating more harmonious joyous relationships with their pets.

Natural Answer encompasses many integrated healing modalities for animals. In particular for horses, dogs and cats. It is also for their carers and all those wishing to connect more with animals, through nature based therapies, vibrational essences, energy healing, body works, meditations and natural products to enhance well-being. Animals can be wonderful teachers and healers for us too.

Please take a moment to explore my website. I would love to connect with you

A Wholistic View

Healing for ourselves and our pets involves many levels and the need to look at the whole being. There is the obvious area to address such as what goes into the body in the form of good nutrition, clean water, adequate minerals and vitamins. The environment to which we or our animals friends live, are the basic needs being met in terms of individual species such as exercise, appropriate social interactions, appropriate education/training company, love, friendship, fun and joy or is there anything affecting the being that is toxic, disharmonious, draining, abusive, including thoughts and emotions, situations, environment, unresolved trauma, relationships etc.

We all have an energy body that resides in and around the physical body. The energy body serves as a template and when it is balanced and clear the physical body achieves wellness and homeostasis. The Chakras or energy centres are in constant communication with the energy outside of us and the Universe, they take in vital energy known as Prana, Ki or Chi and they expel unwanted and excess energy. When this process becomes blocked for example when we hold on to trauma or intense emotions or we constantly make unhealthy life choices the process becomes blocked and congested. Over time this leads to manifestation of “symptoms”.

Disease appears first in the energy body so by utilising energy healing techniques and modalities to clear and balance the energy system, illness can often be prevented by detecting imbalances energetically and correcting them before they manifest physically. It can also help alleviate existing physical conditions once the energy body is re balanced as they will diminish on their own.

Thoughts and Emotions

Animals have emotions just like us. Thoughts and feelings are energy. If any being is experiencing prolonged stress this energy gets absorbed. Over time these toxic and negative energies accumulate in their energy field, creating imbalances. Energy Healing uses energetic tools such as those I have studied in to dissipate and clear these disharmonious energies thus helping on a mental and emotional level which has a ripple effect of the whole being that can help bring about physical health too.

Some things that can be helped

  • Fears, phobias, obsessions and compulsions
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Trauma release
  • Confidence issues and helping change limiting beliefs and negative patterns
  • Processing and supporting through Grief
  • Stress reduction, promoting calm and relaxation
  • Irritability, anger and aggression
  • Depression, lack of motivation, sadness, homesickness




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Animals Helping People






Amina Essenses




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